

JOB TITLE: Healthcare Instructor


JOB Duties:

1. Develop syllabus for the course(s) to teach and ensure that it meets the institutional standards

2. Plan lessons and assignments

3. Teach courses in the subject area

4. Assess students’ progress by grading assignments, papers, exams, and other work

5. Work with colleagues to develop or modify the curriculum for a degree or certificate program involving in-person, online, or hybrid delivery of course material

6. Stay informed about changes and innovations in the field

7. Serve on academic or administrative committees as needed

*See the following course synopses



Doctorate degree in Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine.  Must be proficient with the following: Acupuncture needling techniques, herbal medicine formula prescription, and diet therapy.


Job and interview: Hayward, CA. 40 hours/week. $72,580.00/year. If offered, must have legal right to work in U.S.


Course synopses:

1) Foundation of TCM I 4 units

This is one of the series of two courses of the Foundation of TCM. The Purpose of these two

courses is to teach students the knowledge of Oriental medicine principles and theory. It

includes TCM fundamental concept: Yin/Yang, five elements, organ theory. It covers the

instruction of the vital substances, the concept and transformation of Qi, the functions of the Yin

organs and the Yang organs, the causes of diseases, pathogenesis, prevention, and therapeutic

principles. This course focuses on Yin and Yang theory, the five elements, the vital

substances, the transformations of Qi, The functions of the internal organs, and internal causes of



2) Foundation of TCM II 4 units

This course is a continuation of OM 101 Foundation of TCM. The educational objectives of this

course are to teach students the knowledge of causes of disease, pathogenesis, prevention,

and therapeutic principles based on the theories of traditional Chinese medicine. It focuses on

external causes of disease, and miscellaneous causes of disease, diagnosis methods,

identification of patterns, etc.


3) TCM Diagnosis I 4 units

The educational objectives of the course are to teach students the knowledge of acupuncture and

Oriental medicine diagnosis. It mainly covers the examination methods, pattern

identification comprehensive application of pattern identification methods, outlining of diagnostic

principles of clinical departments.


4) TCM Diagnosis II 2 units

The educational objectives of the course are to teach students the knowledge of acupuncture and

Oriental medicine diagnosis. It mainly covers the knowledge of diagnosis of commonly

seen clinical symptoms such as fever, abnormal sweating, headache, cough, panting, chest pain,

heart palpitation, insomnia, spirit-mind abnormalities, bleeding thirst, torpid intake, etc. It

also includes Clinical impressions and the formation of a working diagnosis, including

acupuncture and Oriental medicine diagnoses, and the World Health Organization’s international

classification of diseases (ICD-9), and writing a medical record as well.


5) TCM Internal Medicine 4 units

The educational objectives of the course are to teach the students the knowledge of the etiology,

pathology, differentiation, and treatment of specific syndromes of the internal organ

systems. Students will learn to identify specific patterns and symptoms associated with the

pathologies, along with the treatment protocols and recommendations for treatment utilizing

acupuncture, herbal medicine, and other TCM modalities. It also covers the teaching of geriatrics,

family medicine, emergency care.


6) TCM External Medicine 2 units

The educational objectives of this course are to teach the students the basic theories, knowledge

and the treatment for TCM surgery. It includes the etiology and pathology, differentiation,

treatment, and rehabilitation and nursing principles of TCM surgical diseases. It also includes

many different kinds of surgical diseases such as sore and ulcer, breast diseases, goiter,

tumor and rock, dermatologic diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, anorectal diseases, urinary

male reproductive system diseases, peripheral vascular diseases, and other surgical



7) TCM Traumatology

The educational objectives of this course are to teach the students the knowledge of the basic

content of traumatology including the etiology, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of

orthopedic and traumatological diseases. The teaching will focus on the commonly encountered

diseases in clinical practice of orthopedics and traumatology such as fracture, dislocation,

injury of muscle and tendon, internal traumatic syndrome, and osteopathy.


8) TCM Classics

This course introduces how to approach the TCM classics. It discusses selections from Nei Jing,

Shang Han, Jin Gui, and Wen Bing. The instructor will briefly introduce the historical and

philosophical background of the text. The focus will be placed on reading and interpreting key

passages of the TCM classics text and on how these ancient concepts are applied in the

modern medical setting.


9) TCM Modern Literature

The educational objectives of this course are to teach students the knowledge of TCM modern

literature. It focuses on modern acupuncture literature, and modern oriental medicine

literature. This course involves the combination of TCM with modern scientific system, and the

current research trends in Oriental medicine.


10) Herbology I

The educational objectives of the course are to teach students the basic knowledge of botany

including the fundamental natural phenomena and processes of plant life, the classification

and description of plant diversity, plant groups such as algae, mosses or flowering plants, the

morphology of plants, the physiology of plants, and the knowledge of growing and harvesting

Chinese herbs, as well as preparation and processing of Chinese herbs. It focuses on Chinese

herbal medicine principles and theory, especially the characters and functions of the most

commonly used herbs, and their actions and indications, commentary, mechanisms of selected

combinations, traditional contraindications, toxicity, nomenclature and preparation. This

course also includes some kinds of substances that release the exterior, clear heat, drain

dampness, dispel wind-dampness, and herbs that transform phlegm and stop coughing.


11) Herbology II

The educational objectives of the course are to teach students the basic knowledge of Chinese

herbal medicine principles and theory, especially the characters and functions of the most

commonly used herbs, and their actions and indications, commentary, mechanisms of selected

combinations, traditional contraindications, toxicity, nomenclature and preparation. This

course shall include aromatic herbs that transform dampness, herbs that relieve food stagnation,

herbs that regulate the Qi, herbs that regulate the blood, herbs that warm the interior and

expel cold, and tonifying herbs.


12) Herbology III

The educational objectives of the course are to teach students the basic knowledge of Chinese

herbal medicine principles and theory, especially the characters and functions of the most

commonly used herbs, and their actions and indications, commentary, mechanisms of selected

combinations, traditional contraindications, toxicity, nomenclature and preparation. This

course shall include herbs that tonify the Yang, herbs that tonify the Yin, herbs that stabilize and

bind, substances that calm the spirit, aromatic substances that open the orifices,

substances that extinguish wind and stop tremors, herbs that expel parasites, substances for

topical application and obsolete substances.

上一篇:Clinical Medicine